Navarra - Pyrenäen, Wein und Spargel
Die kleine Bergregion Navarra vereint in sich viele Züge der drei sie umgebenden Grenzländer und Regionen Frankreich, dem Baskenland und Aragon. Trotz ihrer geringen Ausmaße beeindruckt Navarra durch die Vielfalt und Schönheit ihrer Landschaften. Im Norden grenzt die Region an die mächtigen Pyrenäen mit ihren hochaufragenden Gipfeln, tiefen Tälern, Flüssen und Strömen.
Im Süden liegt das Ebro-Tal, in dem hervorragender Wein angebaut wird. Im Westen Navarras erstrecken sich grüne Täler, Wiesen und Wälder, im Osten wird die Landschaft wilder und geht schließlich in die Pyrenäen über. Die Region besitzt sogar ihre eigene kleine Mini-Wüste: Las Bárdenas. Auch die Bewohner, die Bräuche und die Bauweisen sind in Navarra sehr vielfältig und durch ihre Lage an der berühmten Wallfahrtsroute, dem Jakobsweg, nach Santiago de Compostela, entstanden hier viele alte Städte, Paläste, Herrenhäuser, Kathedralen und Klöster.
Navarra Hotels
Pamplona - San Fermín
Pamplona - Undoubtedly the most emblematic celebration and world famous event in
Navarra is the festival of San Fermín, which takes place every year from
the 6th to the 14th of July. For eight heady days, the streets of
Pamplona come alive with the running of the bulls.
Every morning, courageous (or fool hardy, depending on your point of
view) young men run in front of the bulls to make for a unique
spectacle. Unlike bull fighting proper, here it is the animals that have
the upper hand. Anyone can join in, though they better be fast.
Celebrations are not just about the bulls, though. The city itself is
taken over by non-stop and wild dancing, merriment and parades. Not to
be missed if at all possible. Handicrafts Navarrese craftsmanship is a
combination of time-honoured traditions and techniques. Examples of this
can be seen in the making of wooden objects, such as chests and
"kaikus", and in the production of the famous leather wine bottles.
Nevertheless, present-day designs can always be found in the constantly
updated works of potters and tapestry makers.
Gastronomy Influenced in equal measures by the cuisine of France, Aragon and the Basque country, the gastronomy of Navarra is rightly praised for its wide-ranging quality and freshness. Certainly in Navarra, traditional and “nouveau” cuisine are able to live harmoniously side-by-side to create mouth-watering dishes such as la trucha a la navarra (fried trout with ham) and menestra (made with artichokes, asparagus, green beans and peas).
Meat dishes include el cochifrit Navarro (small pieces of deep fried lamb) and the emblematic dish of la chistorra, a sausage prepared over burning coal. Feathered game, such as quail, turtledove and wood pigeon takes pride of place in Navarra.
In September, when the bird is at its fattest, quail is roasted in fig leaves. Turtledove is roasted with herbs on the grill and laced with red wine and vinegar, amongst other ingredients. The result is a feast for the taste buds.
The cheeses of Navarra are also amongst the best in the country, Roncal being a fine example. After enjoying such delights, why not wash all it down with Pacharan, a special liqueur of bilberries and anise.
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